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My 2 year old Connie X started showing sweet itch symptoms after a reaction to an injection. Of course, the itch, scratch, itch cycle kicked in, summer was upon us an hey presto, baby (show!) horse with no mane! She became really sensitive to the flies (previously would stand covered in bugs without even a swish of her tail!!) and then the tail rubbing began! So I invested in a Boett blanket. She was still really uncomfortable due to the damage already done, so I bought some Sweet Relief. I have been delighted with the results. Within a couple of days I had a much happier horse, her mane is beginning to grow back, there is no frantic rubbing of her backside. Her skin is soft and it has that smell that tells you it’s doing some good! (I mean that in a good way, I love the smell!) I will continue to use Sweet Relief and would highly recommend it.

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